Education & Events

Meet Valerie Kasgorgis, March Educator of the Month


For Stylist and Eufora Educator Valerie Kasgorgis, education is everything. She uses her position on the Eufora Elite Team and her education on Eufora’s Eight Steps to Financial Success to guide her conversations with clients during haircuts, styling, product referrals and even retail objections.

Her confidence and passion for education is why we selected Valerie as the Premier Beauty March Educator of the Month.

Why is the Elite Team so important to Eufora salons and stylists?

“We all fall into a rut every once in a while. It’s refreshing for a stylist. Elite Team delivers something new.”

Elite Team members connect their local Eufora distributor, Eufora Corporate Headquarters and their salon by attending quarterly education events to learn about new haircuts and products. New quarterly education allows them to go back to their salon and teach the entire team.

Valerie suggests that the salon rotate the stylist who fills the position every year so everyone can get a chance to get educated and also learn by teaching others. In October, they did an updo. This past month, they did a really cool razor haircut.

What is the best thing you've learned from Eufora?

“The haircutting system made me more confident behind the chair. Every time I go into a haircut, I know exactly how to style, detail and execute with complete confidence. The more they trust you, the more the more they refer.”

What is your most successful business practice as a stylist?

“The Eight Steps to Financial Success is one of the greatest things I’ve learned from Eufora. I’m able to educate constantly throughout the appointment, teaching them the importance of shampoo, conditioner and styling product.”

The steps also take fear out of the equation. When you take the time to practice, you get comfortable and form good habits.

How do you overcome retail objections from clients?

Valerie uses these responses:
• “I say, ‘If I want you to leave with one thing today, I would definitely recommend shampoo.’”
• “If they want their color to last, I stress that they need products to maintain it.”
• “To lower their risk, I suggest a travel size color lock system or styling product. That will usually turn them around.”

“When you’re passionate and educated about what you’re talking about, the rejection is lower because you’re recommending something they actually need. That’s why education is important. If you recommend something they don’t need, they lose trust in you. They feel like they’re being sold to.”

“If someone can educate me on something I’m debating on, I’m sold. I want to know the difference and why I should buy the product. I appreciate it and I want someone else to appreciate it as well.”

How has education impacted you as a stylist?

“It helped me explain things a lot better to the client. I have to have an open mind, think outside the box and figure out how to explain things to people so they can retain it. Behind the chair, I need to be able to break things down so clients can understand and execute during at-home styling.”

What is your favorite Eufora product and why?

“Beautifying Serum is definitely a great product—it’s something I use every time and what I recommend to every guest. Everyone’s looking for a serum or an oil but they don’t know what it means or how Beautifying Serum is different.”

For starters, Eufora Beautifying Serum is made with four different oils, Cranberry, Neem, Kakui and Argan. It’s also anti-bacterial, adds shine and reduces frizz. Valerie also has some more unconventional uses for the product.

“You can also use it as a serum on the face at night, mix into your body lotion or use it for aromatherapy. I like mixing it with Eufora Body Blends Face & Body Moisturizer. To know I’m recommending a product and a brand where every ingredient has a purpose means so much to me.”

Congratulations, Valerie! To purchase Eufora International products, register or log into the Premier Beauty website.